Evangelische Studierenden- und Hochschulgemeinde (ESG)
There are students from all countries at the ESG! As a protestant parish for all members of the universities in our town, we want to offer a space for meetings, discussions, new horizons and breaks to students. We are pleased, when they register and participate to our workshops, evening meetings and groups.
They also find special offers about topics like personal development, personal management, internationality and cultural diversity, art and free time by appropriated occasions.
They have the occasion to get information about festivities, excursions, student travels, meditation or our services.
Especially in the case of personal crisis situations or questions, the ESG helps and gives individual advices. We offer a confidential consultations und spiritual welfare in case of specific student's problems, in being out of one’s depth with stress before examinations or with other difficulties.
You can find our actual program at: www.esg-darmstadt.de
Counselling for international students
For consultations and spiritual welfare: benn@esg-darmstadt.de
ESG Darmstadt
Alexanderstr. 35
64283 Darmstadt

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