OUT OF THE BOX - Ecumenical Evensong am 24.6.2020 von 18:30 bis 19:30 Uhr

Ökumenischer Gottesdienst: "Out of the Box" in der Hochschulkirche St. Albertus, KHG, Saarstraße 20, 55122 Mainz

Kerstin Söderblom

During this Ecumenical Evensong Christine Schardt (KHG) and Kerstin Söderblom (ESG) invite you to think about the meaning of boxes and categories in your life. In what kind of boxes are you in? How can you liberate yourself from boxes? What can help you to leave boxes behind? Your are more than welcome to celebrate this Ecumencial Evensong in English with us on June 24th at 6:30 pm at the catholic Hochschulkirche St. Albertus in Mainz.

Kontakt: Pfrin. Dr Kerstin Söderblom (ESG) PR Christine Schardt (khg)

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